Procedure: Pulling Study Paper Submissions

Managing FOT and PIP Course Content: Steps 1-2 of 5.

Managing course content for FOT and PIP is a 5-step process done for each study paper and corresponding virtual session during the life of an FOT or PIP program.

The Five Steps of Managing Course Content for FOT:*

1. Pull study papers and prepare Excel reports (MONDAY).
2. Record receipt of the papers in the Program Management document (MONDAY).
3. Grab the program measures for the PM tab of the Program Management document and the PowerPoint presentations (MONDAY).
4. Update the PowerPoint presentations w/ correct Heads&Tails slides (THURSDAY).
5. Send the Excel reports, virtual session feedback reports, and snapshots (the program measures/study paper progress in the email body) to the program leaders (THURSDAY).

*PIP: The same procedure is to be used for PIP with the exclusion of Step 3. The program leader pulls the PIP program measures.

FOT study papers are due by midnight in the participant’s time zone on the Sunday after the corresponding virtual session (Virtual Session 1: Study Paper 1). The papers are pulled and reports are created the following Monday morning. They are sent to the FOT program leaders on Thursday as part of virtual session program preparation.

PIP study papers are due by midnight in the participant’s time zone on the Sunday before the corresponding virtual session (Study Paper 1: Virtual Session 1). The papers are pulled and reports are created and sent to the program leaders the following Monday morning.

Pulling Study Papers

Study papers are pulled from the IE website using gravity forms.

  1. Log into Influence Ecology website.
  2. Scroll down to footer of site and go to Faculty and click on Study Paper Reports.
  3. On this page, the middle options Group Reports is where you’ll get the study paper replies.
    • In the first dropdown box pick your course number. (FOT##, PIP##)
    • In the second dropdown box select your IE Program (FOT or PIP)
    • In the third dropdown box select your study lesson.
    • Click on Generate CSV file.
  4. Open the downloaded file.

Preparing the Excel Spreadsheet

To format the data:

  1. Place the cursor in B2 and save the report as an Excel Worksheet.
    • FOT: Save as FOT ## SP # Replies.xlsx (e.g., FOT 54 SP 4 Replies.xlsx) in the following location: Dropbox/Influence Ecology/IE Operations (1)/Study Papers/Fundamentals of Transaction/FOT SP Replies/Session # (for example, Session 4 for SP 4).
    • PIP: Save as PIP ## SP # Replies.xlsx (e.g., PIP 34 SP 4 Replies.xlsx) in the following location: Dropbox/Influence Ecology/IE Operations (1)/Study Papers/Priority In Practice/SP Replies/Session# (for example, Session4 for SP 4).
  2. Select the entire document by clicking the box between 1 and A in the toolbar. This will highlight all cells.
  3. Increase the columns by 2x the width by clicking and dragging the first column to match the width of the second column.
  4. Top align and left align all text.
  5. Wrap all text.
  6. Freeze Pane at B2 so leader can view easily by keeping the name to the left. In toolbar go to View/Freeze Panes/Freeze Panes.
  7. Sort data by First Name.
    • Highlight row 1 and in toolbar under Sort&Filter click on Filter.
    • Go to column 1A (participant name, header is blank) and click the down arrow. Then click on Ascending. Then remove filter.
  8. Highlight row 1. Change the background to black and the text to white.
  9. Adjust the height of all rows of data to one row of text high so you can see all study papers easily for recording. To do this, select all rows of data and drag the width of any row up equal to one row of text; all rows will adjust.
  10. Highlight in yellow all cells for anyone who did not submit on time (the Study Completion section (starting at column BE) must be completed in order for a paper to be counted as submitted). Insert comment in First Name column stating if they are In communication or Not in communication. Look at the PM tab for the class to check the in/not in communication status (IC) as communicated by the participant.
  11. Go through the completed papers and highlight in yellow any 3 or more questions left blank within a section. Also highlight the participant’s name.
  12. Remove the yellow highlight from all section header columns.
  13. Format the columns: Autofit row height. (First row = two lines of text.)
  14. Save report again before you exit.

Recording Study Paper Submissions

Go to Programs Management and open the appropriate FOT course tab. Using the spreadsheet above, record in the SP column for each participant if the study paper was received. Use an x for received and SPPD (cell should turn yellow) for those not received.

Late Paper Submissions

If someone emails saying they will be submitting their paper late, place IC in the SP Submission Column of the PM doc for that paper and insert a note. The note should state the date they let us know, when they will submit, and your initials (ex: 9/10 will submit by Sunday, 9/14. kk). If the paper is late and they did not communicate, mark the column SPPD. InfusionSoft will send auto-email reminders to them. *Note: as of 11/15/17, late study paper letters are sent automatically by the InfusionSoft system for all FOT programs. March 2018: Check with Registrar for status of PIP emails and update documentation please. 

Key for Study Paper Progress in PM Tab

  • BP: Broke Promise: Transacted for a new submission date but did not keep their agreement
  • DNC: Do not contact: do not send these participants any of this correspondence. Check with Registrar.
  • IC: In communication. They have transacted for a new submission date or have communicated an illness or breakdown that is causing unusual delay.
  • SPPD: Study Paper Past Due. They did not submitted their study paper by the due date.

FOT: Note about FOT SP12 and the 13 Steps Worksheet:

SP12 and the 13 Steps Worksheet are due on the normal study due date as assigned (Sunday following the virtual session by midnight in participant time zone). However, in order to complete the program, all SPs and worksheets must be returned. The last possible due date is 30 days past session 12 VS. We do not typically create room for people to be late, so unless a participant has requested a late due date, SP12 and 13 Steps are due on time and if late should receive an SPPD.

PIP: Note about PIP SP6 Program Plan and SP12: 

SP6  includes a Program Plan and Contract that participants must complete and return. There are two version: First Draft and Final Submission. The first draft is due by midnight in the participant’s time zone on the Monday prior to Virtual Session 5. Save the file in Dropbox as PIP ## SP 6 Program Plan First Pull.xlsx. The final version is due with the submission of SP6 and saved within the study paper.

SP12 is submitted twice, as a first Pass and as a Final Submission. The first pass is due by midnight in the participant’s time zone on the Monday prior to Virtual Session 11. Save the file in Dropbox as PIP ## SP 12 Replies First Past.xlsx. The final submission is due on the normal submission date of SP12.

Recording the Program Measures

Next you will grab the Money/Health/Income measures from the worksheet for the FOT ## PM tab. This information is also used for the FOT PowerPoint presentation. The program Fundamentals of Transaction is the only program we track metrics for in the google doc Program Management tab. PIP does not track metrics this way. Marne Power, the Program Leader for that program, does her own metrics for PIP. See Procedure – Capturing FOT Program Measures for further instruction.

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