Procedure: Capturing FOT Program Measures

Managing FOT and PIP Course Content: Step 3 of 5.

Managing course content for FOT and PIP is a 5-step process done for each study paper and corresponding virtual session during the life of an FOT or PIP program.

The Five Steps of Managing Course Content for FOT:*

1. Pull study papers and prepare Excel reports (MONDAY).
2. Record receipt of the papers in the Program Management document (MONDAY).
3. Grab the program measures for the PM tab of the Program Management document and the PowerPoint presentations (MONDAY).
4. Update the PowerPoint presentations w/ correct Heads&Tails slides (THURSDAY).
5. Send the Excel reports, virtual session feedback reports, and snapshots (the program measures/study paper progress in the email body) to the program leaders (THURSDAY).

*PIP: The same procedure is to be used for PIP with the exclusion of Step 3. The program leader pulls the PIP program measures.

FOT study papers are due by midnight in the participant’s time zone on the Sunday after the corresponding virtual session (Virtual Session 1: Study Paper 1). The papers are pulled and reports are created the following Monday morning. They are sent to the FOT program leaders on Thursday as part of virtual session program preparation.

PIP study papers are due by midnight in the participant’s time zone on the Sunday before the corresponding virtual session (Study Paper 1: Virtual Session 1). The papers are pulled and reports are created and sent to the program leaders the following Monday morning.

Recording Satisfaction Metrics

After pulling the FOT study papers and saving the Excel document, record the Satisfaction Metrics (Program Measures) for Health, Money, and Income on the Program Management Google doc.

    1. Open Dropbox folder: IE > IE Operations(1)>Study Papers > Fundamentals of Transaction > FOT SP Replies > Session #.
    2. Open latest Replies excel worksheet (if not already open) and record the Health, Money, and Income measures for each participant. These are the percentages shown in the Health, Money, and Income cells of the Replies worksheet, starting at column AZ in the excel file.
    3. In the Google Doc Program Management tab go to the PM tab for that FOT program. (FOT## PM)
    4. Log the program measure Health, Money, and Income for each participant on the correct study paper column.
    5. If information is missing/incomplete using the key on the PM tab at the top to highlight the accuracy of the metrics:
      • No paper submitted – Information is missing. If the Study Completion section is not complete, the paper is considered not submitted. Leave the column blank and highlight in light yellow 2.
      • If the paper was submitted but the metrics are missing/incomplete highlight in light blue 3.
      • Programs Leaders Only: If the accuracy of the metric is in question highlight in light magenta 3.
      • Anomalies: If an anomaly occurs in a participant’s metrics (an unexpected new job that significantly increases income, for instance), those should not be included in the measures. Leave the cell blank and place the anomaly in a comment: Anomaly: 100234%.


      • Answers are tallied into a Class Average at the bottom of the PM tab by a formula. The formula should read as follows: [ =average(Cell#,Cell#,Cell#) ]. Each cell number should be marked for health, money and income of each participant. (Please refer to previous PM tabs for examples).
      • The class average metrics will be what you use for the power point slide titled Satisfaction Metrics.

Missing Metrics
If a paper is submitted without metrics, highlight the PM column blue as stated above. Send the standard email to prompt them to submit their metrics. Note: as of 1/15/18, InfusionSoft is not properly sending these auto-emails so we are sending them manually. See FOT email templates for the template to use: Your FOT Study Paper Satisfaction Metrics.

See Procedure – Preparing Virtual Session Slides for further instruction on how to prepare the PowerPoint slides for virtual sessions webinars.

Saving and Recording the Study Paper 4 and 12 Satisfaction Metrics Calculators

The calculators for SP 4 and 12 are in an Excel worksheet and are submitted by participants as an upload to the Study Papers 4 and 12.

Calculators are reviewed and managed with each participant by John Patterson and Marne Power.

The following instructions explain how to download, save, and record the calculators.

Download the Calculators

  1. Locate the uploaded calculator file in the Study Paper report. It is under column BD, “Please upload your Satisfaction Metrics Calculator.”
  2. Copy and paste the link into your web browser and click Enter on your kepboard to open the Excel file.
  3. If necessary, enabling editing.
  4. Save the file in Dropbox: Influence Ecology / IE Program Delivery – FOT / Fundamentals of Transaction / FOT Calculators / FOT ## using the following format:
    • Study Paper 4: First Last Study 4 Metrics
    • Study Paper 12:  First Last Final
  5. Close the Excel document.
  6. Study Paper 4:
    • Copy the Dropbox link: Right click / Copy Dropbox Link
    • Paste the link under the participant’s last name in the PM tab (column C): Right clink / Insert Link. In the Text box: type Calculator. In the Link box: right-click and Paste.
    • John or Marne will add  the text “Question” or “Approved” under the first name.
  7. Study Paper 12:
    • Copy the Dropbox link: Right click / Copy Dropbox Link
    • Paste the link under the participant’s last name in the PM tab (column C): Right clink / Edit Link. In the Text box: type Calculator. In the Link box: right-click and Paste.
    • Replace the  “Question” or “Approved” note under the first name (column B) with the word: “FINAL”.
    • Add the Health Aim from their calculator to column P in the Health row: Example: “To lose 50 pounds.”
    • Add the Money Aim from their calculator to column P in the Money row: Example: “To pay off 1500$ credit card debt.”
    • Add the Testimonial from Study Paper column Q (What testimonial can you provide about Influence Ecology and the Fundamentals of Transaction Program?) to column P in the Income row: Example: “Best program ever!”

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